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Have you sent in your 2010 US Census form yet? It will help Service and Assistance Dog teams


Did you know that the information the United States Census collects helps to determine how more than $400 billion dollars (more than $4 trillion over a 10-year period) of federal funding each year is spent on infrastructure, government, community and social service programs — vital programs that help disabled people and Service and Assistance Dog teams. 

It’s all about statistics
One of the major concerns about participation in the Census is privacy. Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects the confidentiality of all your information. Violating this law is a crime with severe penalties. In addition, other federal laws, including the Confidential Statistical Efficiency Act and the Privacy Act reinforce those protections. Furthermore, all Census Bureau employees take the oath of nondisclosure and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of your data.

Besides, participation in the Census isn’t optional. It’s mandatory by law. So send your form in today. You only have a few days left!

Need help filling out your form? Call for help!

  • English: 1-866-872-6868
  • Chinese: 1-866-935-2010
  • Korean: 1-866-955-2010
  • Russian: 1-866-965-2010
  • Spanish: 1-866-928-2010
  • Vietnamese: 1-866-945-2010
  • TDD (Telephone Display Device for the hearing impaired): 1-866-783-2010
  • Puerto Rico (in English): 1-866-939-2010
  • Puerto Rico (in Spanish): 1-866-929-2010
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