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Tips & Tricks


With any relationship, bonding provides the foundation upon which everything else rests. A new Service Dog partnership isn't any different.

For Most Handlers, Interacting With The Public Is The Worst Part of Being Partnered With a Service Dog For most handlers,

Service dogs are not just pets; they are loyal friends who become family to their owners. They come in handy

Many dog training professionals refer to small pieces of dog food rolls as "puppy crack." When properly prepared, food rolls

Dogs bark. It's what they do. But if your dog is getting in the habit of barking excessively, you probably

Working with young or inexperienced Service Dogs in Training isn't always easy. It's even harder if you're learning alongside your

Being a Service Dog is a tough job, one that often encompasses odd hours, long work weeks, technical or specialized

Obtaining a Service Dog isn't without its costs, and coming up with ideas to fundraise can be difficult. While effective

What happens if you die? Who will take care of your pet or Service Dog? Nobody wants to think about

We all know about putting up "lost dog" flyers in our neighborhood — but did you know there's more you

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