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Available Assignments

We’re actively seeking to hire on a story-by-story basis reporters and correspondents to cover the following current assignments:

  • Interview a trainer on how they got started
  • Interview a trainer on their training techniques
  • Interview an organization on how they set up their non-profit
  • Interview a disabled person on the challenges/rewards of using a wheelchair and a Service Dog at the same time
  • Interview a student on their experiences taking their Service Dog to school and the challenges, rewards they have faced
  • Stories of small dogs doing big work
  • Stories about veterans who use a Service Dog to help with PTSD, mobility issues or other disabilities
  • Helpful advice about how to combat discrimination and bullying.
  • Attend a fundraiser for a Service Dog organization, take photos, gather quotes and compose a short article recapping the event
  • Photojournalism of Service Dogs in public spaces like retail stores, businesses, public transportation facilities, airplanes, airports, healthcare facilities, and more
  • General personal stories about training and public access

Please contact us if you are interested. Other story ideas are always welcome.