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USPS Dogs At Work Stamp Giveaway

The U.S. Postal Service has just released a new set of four stamps celebrating the enduring partnership between dogs and people called Dogs at Work. And we’re proud to be able to give away 10 sets of four stamps to our friends!

This set depicts four hard-working canines: a guide dog assisting a woman who is blind, a tracking dog on the trail of a scent, a therapy dog visiting an elderly woman in her home, and a search and rescue dog standing in a field, ready to tackle the next assignment.

Artist John M. Thompson created original paintings for the stamps, which were designed by art director Howard E. Paine. The Dogs At Work stamps are being issued at a 65-cent denomination, which is the price for single-piece retail First-Class Mail weighing more than one ounce and up to and included two ounces. Please note these are not first day covers but standard-issue 65 cent stamps.

[box_light]Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
After leaving a nice comment on our Facebook page, please fill out the form below to claim your set! Your stamps will be mailed to you for free via First Class mail within several weeks. We only have 10 sets to give away, and they will be available on a first come, first serve basis.[/box_light]

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