People have been made aware of the increased risk that their furry canine friend would be prone to tick-borne diseases in the past years. Most of us are probably aware that ticks numerous diseased is connected to fleas and ticks; nevertheless, you might not be aware that this pest number continues to grow in our surroundings has increased. Consequently, your pets will probably become infected by a flea or tick.
Various variables have something to do with the dramatic surge in tick reproduction. Ticks are very active in summer. Therefore, tick-related sickness is primarily distributed during hot seasons. Ticks, however, have been shown to breed year-round in several regions because of warmer temperatures. Furthermore, the continuous growth of our population and the creation of new homes in forested locations increased the potential of tick infestation in our pets. In addition, more people are taking their pets outside in high-trafficked areas, increasing their exposure to parasites.
Ticks and fleas can transmit various potentially fatal infections like ehrlichiosis, rocky mountain disease, and much more. Furthermore, Minor complications can happen if not treated promptly and properly, so watch your dog carefully. If you see that your dog is not behaving normally, you need to bring them to the nearest vet so that they can address the condition of your dog. Ticks can infect dogs with serious and sometimes fatal diseases. Continue reading to learn everything about ticks on dogs as well as keeping them safe.
What is a Tick?
Ticks are a common parasite that feeds on their hosts’ blood and can transmit numerous diseases in dogs. Ticks multiply by attaching themselves to the host and then mate to multiply, and larvae emerge from the eggs, at which point they begin looking for your dog. Once this tiny critter attaches to your dog, inserting its mouth parts into your pet’s skin, it will begin to feed on your pet’s blood flow. Once hooked to your pet’s skin, ticks will not leave until they are satisfied, which can take many days. Ticks frequently go for regions with crevasses. This typically comprises ear crevices, inside the legs, in between legs and toes. Ticks are a common pest in lots of places, and eliminating them would be impossible; preventing them from getting in our area is as close to the possible task.
Common Types of Ticks in Dogs
Below are the most common ticks in dogs. These ticks are the most common and can multiple super-fast if not removed on the host ASAP.
American Dog Tick: This type of tick is common for American dogs, and the color is brown with white discoloration
Brown Dog Tick: The most common tick in dogs can be hard to spot, especially in brown dogs, as they blend in the fur.
Black Legged Deer Tick: This tick is prevalent in the Midwestern US. It has black legs and a reddish shield-like body.
Lone Star Tick: Common in the southeastern US, the lone star tick has a reddish-brown body and has a white spot characteristic on the middle of the body.
Rocky Mountain Wood Ticks: Rocky Mountain Wood ticks appear quite similar to American dog ticks (Dermacentor variabilis) and are found predominantly in shrublands, lightly wooded areas, open grasslands, and along trails, mainly at sub-alpine elevations in the Mountain and northwest Pacific regions.
Possible Complications in Dogs
The most typical signs of a tick infestation in a dog are fever, rapid loss of appetite, discomfort, swelling, lethargy, and depression. Dog owners must report these symptoms to their local vets as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment. If tick bites are not treated, they can lead to serious consequences. Tick bite complications frequently cause widespread symptoms. It is critical to understand the various problems of tick bites to treat the condition as soon as feasible. Here are a few examples:
Tick Bite Paralysis
This condition is extremely rare in dogs. It happens when female wood or mountain ticks emit poison. This toxin inhibits communication between the neurological system and the muscles. When nerve function is disrupted, the effect is paralysis.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
This disease is extremely lethal. This disease is also known as tick typhus and Tobia fever in some areas. The American dog tick or the Rocky Mountain wood tick bite transmits the disease. Rickettsia is then transmitted to the dog by tick saliva. Hyperthermia, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, muscle soreness, and headache are the most typical signs and symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Petechial and maculopapular rash and stomach and joint discomfort are late symptoms of the disease.
Because their symptoms are similar, this condition is frequently confused with Ehrlichiosis. Fever, headache, muscle discomfort, chills, nausea, and tiredness are symptoms of Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis in pets. They, on the other hand, have distinct causal factors. If A rickettsial organism causes Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis is caused by a ruminant rickettsial parasite.
Brown dog ticks and lone star tick bites transmit this disease. The rickettsia organism is the causal agent. Bacteria cause it. Some believe it is a virus because it causes flu-like symptoms. This disease’s frequent symptoms include loss of appetite, fever, joint discomfort, anemia, and bruising. Other symptoms include ocular inflammation and a reduction in all types of blood cells. In general, antibiotic medication such as doxycycline or tetracycline treats Ehrlichiosis.
How to Avoid Ticks
Ticks can be avoided if treated promptly. Never underestimate ticks, as they can multiply quickly if not removed from the host’s body. Below are some methods on how to avoid ticks on your dog:
Spot on treatments: Using over the counter tick spot-on treatments will solve your tick problems; however, it doesn’t guarantee that the tick will be removed 100%
Oral medications: There are oral medications that can remove the tick from your dog. Both works on mature and immature ticks
Shampoos: Bathe your dogs with a special shampoo that can kill ticks
Tick collars: Dog’s neck is one of the ticks’ favorite places to protect your dog’s necks by letting them wear one.
Tick powders: This powder contains a harmful substance that can kill ticks but doesn’t have an effect on dogs
Keep your dogs indoors: The most cost-effective method is to keep your dog indoors because ticks can usually be found outdoors.
Also this is why having pet insurance and following prevention recommendations, is so important. Animalia pet insurance policy can cover your pet’s care and treatment if they suffer from a tick bite and much more than that.

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