Many dog training professionals refer to small pieces of dog food rolls as “puppy crack.” When properly prepared, food rolls provide easy, quick, long-lasting, nutritional high value training treats. This same method can also be used to dice up hotdogs or cheese blocks.
Dog Food Roll
Sharp Knife
Cutting Board
Gather your supplies ahead of time.
After you open the food roll, cut it in half. This makes it easier to work with and hold.
Continue cutting the roll until you have manageable chunks. For smaller rolls, this is best achieved by quartering it. For bigger rolls, you may have to repeat this process.
Next, cut the chunks into slices. The thickness of the slices vary depending on your dogs’ size or your dexterity. Bigger dogs need thicker slices, and thicker slices are easier to handle. Small dogs require smaller slices. Remember, the thinner your slices, the more treats you get. When working with high value treats, smaller is often better.
Stack the slices, and cut them in half longways. You can stabilize the stack on either side with your fingers, and cut through the middle.
Finally, cut the stack into thirds or quarters, depending on how big you want the final treats to be. Repeat for each stack of slices until you’re finished.
After you dice the entire roll, shuffle the pieces around with your hand to fully separate them into individual pieces. Place the pieces in a container or treat pouch.

Learn more about voluntary, community-defined training and behavior standards for handlers and their Service Dogs at