Online community helps Hearing Service Dog In Training hit by bus
Part of our mission at Anything Pawsable is to provide a way for Service and Working Dog owners to help each other. So when Kiely Clark shared this with us, we had to help get the word out.
-ALERT- Mandatory evacuation issued for NYC coastal areas [LIVE MAP]
Due to the approach of Hurricane Irene, New York City has issued a mandatory evacuation order for New Yorkers who live in the low-lying coastal areas across all five boroughs and the Rockaways.
How does someone become a Service Dog trainer?
A certified dog trainer just emailed us and asked how she could become a certified Service Dog trainer. We sent her a short response and thought it would make an interesting blog post.
Would you like a free photoshoot of you and your Service Dog?
Your Service Dog is ready for it's closeup, Mr. DeMille! Lacey Rabalais, a professional photographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, contacted us with a wonderful offer to donate her time to take photos of disabled individuals and their Service Dogs. The dogs will be featured on her website and blog.